Sunday, September 14, 2008


My diary,
11 pm,13th September 2008
13th September 2008,6.10 pm...1st bomb blast in the capital of the country...followed by 6 more in the most posh areas...“kahin par log mare hue the..kahin par pair kate the...”-is how a local person describes the scene...a small kid who saw the whole incident kidnapped by the terrorists...18 dead and 100 injured...ALERT in all the metropolitan cities...
All the news channels flashing the same...terrorized ppl...IT FREAKED ME OUT.I mean its not as if there hasn’t been any such bomb blast incidents earlier...its just that i havnt ever felt so strongly before...maybe if i wud hav been in kgp right now...busy in my own campus life...cut off from the rest of the world...i wudnt have felt the same...but when i actually saw the news 2day...i was so freaked...i mean...are you kidding me!!!wats going on??? Why???normally we (or atleast me) are so busy in our own personal lives...personal problems...emotional issues... we hardly seem to care...but everything seems so trivial all of a sudden...i mean...there are people out there being killed and injured for no reason...for no fault of their own... how important does your stupid fight with one of your stupid friends or an an electrical lab that you screwed up last week seem now!!!
I mean “WAKE UP” !! its the real “big bad world”...6.10 pm-when i was sitting back at home peacefully n having my favourite “chocolate pyramid” ...der wer ppl dying in delhi...
Its only in CID (thanks to sony entertainment television) that i had seen a bomb squad ...all dressed...trying to diffuse a bomb which cud go off any minute...and its not funny or exciting or thrilling or scary or gross...or anything close to what ive ever felt...i never realised the gravity of the situation before...
I just feel so whierd about this whole thing...maybe ive become a LIL or lets say a LOT more aware and conscious..and i feel so shaken...

Saturday, August 23, 2008


back at the iit...2nd year is exactly wat i had expected...but i guess things are meant to change... as nothing lasts 4ever...nor did those so called “happy peacemarofying days”...der r phases in our lives wen v actually feel dat v cudnt have been happier!!! Absolutely awesome friends, peaceful lectures, no load whatsoever....never ending bhaat sessions...n there are categories of bhaat sessions...
1.bhaat during lectures
2.bhaat after lectures in canteens
3.bhaat in library in the evening(actually it feels less guilty 2 bhaat in the library...atleast u feel closer to text books!!)
4.bhaat in f127(thats the study room...feels less guilty again for similar reasons!!)
5.bhaat on gtalk
6.and finally bhaat on phone(which goes without saying!)

by the way if ur wanderin what bhaat is arbit discussions on arbit issues which arbitly make no sense and “unarbitly” lead us no where!!
and then there were the “night outs”..our first spring fest...the inter halls...the mid-sems,end –sems obviously...n everything else...1st year at the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ...wen it came 2 an end...was simply “legendary”...a complete roller-coaster ride n with memories which can never be forgotten...

It has actually been a LEARNING EXPERIENCE...which is something i realise now...(im not talking in terms of academics –mind you...intelectual upliftment is yet to come!! Actually i feel no different intellectually than what i was when i cleared JEE...buts thats a different issue be discussed later!!) it had been a learning experience as in ...meeting with different kinds of people of different parts of the country...different opinions...different psychologies...different ways of dealing with situations n circumstances...we actually absorb so much from everyone around us n grow within ourselves...

Coming to 2nd year...isnt so much like the first year
1.department isn’t peaceful enough(n thats n understatement!!)
2.intelectual upliftment-knocking at the door...which means you cant survive without muggofying!! peace marofying anymore..its time for some action!!
4.less of bhaat sessions...more night outs!!
But the second year is as welcome as the actually feels good to work at they say “the greatest joy is the joy of accomplishment”...not that i have accomplished anything great as yet...but yeah even working towards it feels like an achievement...i feel more responsible...a part of the IIT in its true full “tempo” to learn new stuff n most importantly WORK HARD...n to contribute in whatever little ways i can...after all too much of everything is not good for health which includes peacemarofying!! though different from the first year...this year has its own ways to make me feel happy...bhatting n vella giri( still tempting though) does not seem to bring as much joy as working(see thats what i meant wen i said it had been a learning experience!!)

So...hoping dat this tempo remains...ready to work hard...missing the first year...n looking forward to three more ...i hope this year at the end is as legendary as the first one...


LAST night I dreamed of the maid with yellow curls,
She came to me in the room above my shop,
And we two were alone, freed from the laws of day.
I held her then to myself.
I took from her her clothing, garment by garment,
And watched them fall about her feet--
White petals of a flower.
And I drew from her to myself her thoughts, one by one,
As often I had wished, till all of her was mine.
And then I was sad, for nothing was left to love.

And quickly I clothed her again, garment by garment,
And gave her back her thoughts, one by one,
And awoke in joy.
I was glad that the dream was a dream,
And that all of her was not mine;
For I had learned
That love released from bond, and unburdened of its fetters,
Is love no longer.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


As they say : "the world is divided into two kinds of people, first, who want something, and second, who really want something"-i would say i belong to the second category.
I am the sort of person who takes life slowly....just one day at a time...i usually know the difference between right and wrong.I generally put myself in other peoples shoes and see how it feels to be them and then handle situations accordingly.I believe in myself and my attitude towards life is positive.